




Manufactured from beech veneers, impregnated with synthetic resins and densified under extremely high pressure and temperature.

As seen below the veneers are compressed alternatively at 90° resulting in a material with uniform strength and stability


Sheets are supplied in natural brown

12mm, 16mm, 18mm, 24mm & 32mm

6mm to 120mm

Technical Aspect:
Complies with DIN7707

Standard sheet size is 2000mm x 1000 mm

Switchboard Bus Bar Supports

Densified wood is based on the use of selected beech veneers in combination with synthetic resin. Lamination is carried out at high surface pressure and elevated temperature. Grade KP20228 is manufactured with veneers compressed alternately at 90°, which results in a material with uniform strength and stability suitable for a wide range of applications, which includes support for bus bars, cables, switches and circuit breakers.

This product is sometimes refered to by the brand names Permali® or Lignostone®

Grade Reference TEST METHOD E730-1
DIN 7707
KP20 215
Density Din 53420 1.3 g/cm³
Flexural strength Din 53452 180 N/mm²
Tensile strength Din 53455 160 N/mm²
Compressive strength Din 53454 140 N/mm²
Modulus of elasticity in Flexure Din 53452 19,000 n/mm²
Surface Resistance Din 53482 107 Ω min
Electrical strength parallel to laminate Din 53481 32kv/90°C/25mm
Dielectric loss factor at 50 HZ Din 53483 0.05 tan δ / 20°C
Tracking resistance Din 53480 kc100
Water absorption Din 53495 0.70%
Coefficient of liner Expansion 7×10-6 (1/K)
Thermal Conductivity Din 52612 0.3 W/(mK)
Continuous operating temperature Din 7707 90°C
Limit temperature of short time conditioning Din 7707 100°C
Material construction 80% Parallel
20% Cross


The information in this data sheets gives general characteristics of the material. Whilst all possible care has been taken to ensure this information is correct the manufacturer cannot accept any liability nor is any liability on the part of the manufacturer or supplier to be implied as a result of the data given as conditions and methods of use are beyond our control. The user must confirm suitability for the application prior to commercial use.

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